It is rugged thinking of you not just now but over and over.When we are talking on the phone, it is an indication that we can never get warm enough but I just love the overwhelming feeling when I get some vacation days to spend with you. Your mere presence is comfort to me and your humor just drenches every moment with joy and jubilance until the point where we must say goodbye. True! We are bigger than these and though it is laborious at times, I know we will figure out until our 'someday' comes.I wish we abide to enjoy every angle of each other in any way we can. I can not wait to hug you tight and kiss you with amplified love and affection. Thank you for sharing this wonderful life with me. I could not see myself longing for anyone else the way I am missing you. I love you - DEEP!
Due credit to she who wrote this for me.
Due credit to she who wrote this for me.
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